Western Mass Wildlife Removal

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Remove Squirrels From Your Attic

When covid became a serious issue and many people were forced to work from home, we received an abundance of calls regarding noises in the attic or elsewhere all day long, most commonly in the morning or late afternoon. People were home more often than they used to be during the typical 8-5 workday hours. Well it turns out, those noises were usually related to squirrels.

Massachusetts Squirrel Species

Here in Massachusetts, we deal with 3 species of squirrels, Gray squirrels, Red squirrels, and Flying squirrels. I’m here today to give some insight to the Gray squirrels, the most common squirrel. They are overly common, and are the ones you usually see bouncing around every yard you go by or every park you pass through. Gray squirrels are diurnal, meaning active during the day. They sleep all night (mostly all night) and are busiest at the crack of dawn and late afternoon around sunset. These are usually the times when you hear them the most as they are going in and out of your home foraging for food during the day, and then getting back inside your attic or soffit space for the night to keep warm.

While gray squirrels intelligent and make for an interesting animal to watch as they bury their acorns and nuts, play with siblings, or do whatever squirrels do, they can cause some serious damage in your home. Squirrels are part of our natural ecosystem, doing their part to spread seeds which become new trees, and also become prey for the carnivores higher on the food chain. But we just don’t want them in our homes.

The telltale sign of squirrels getting in your home is noise during the day, most commonly during those early hours or late afternoon hours. Sometimes it might be as obvious as seeing them enter a hole they’ve chewed into your wood soffit, or gable vent, or fascia behind the gutter, but sometimes you cant always see that from ground level.

When you start hearing those noises during the busy hours of early morning and late afternoon, you can put some confidence in the assumption that its gray squirrels, and its time to evict them if they aren’t willing to pay rent for using your home.

Massachusetts Squirrel Removal

We love squirrels; they’re interesting, funny, and a vital part of our natural ecosystem. They can stick to the trees where they do just fine. We specialize in getting them out (through the use of physical traps and one-way doors) and then sealing your home to prevent future issues from occurring.