Animal Removal Services for Western Massachusetts

Weasel removal Western Mass

Weasel Removal

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The sound this weasel makes is probably not what you would expect. But it certainly is unique. They typically don’t make sounds when living in solidarity, so hearing them make these sounds isn’t much of an identifier in that regard. You would expect to hear movement before vocalization.

About weasels

While this is less common, weasels do sometimes enter structures or basements, many times in search of food. They are excellent hunters of mice and other small rodents, and sometimes will follow them into homes in search of a meal. They are extremely efficient climbers and get get pretty much anywhere they want.

Typically weasels have a brown coat with a white belly, although in winter they molt their fur for a new coat that becomes all white, and are often referred to as “ermines” when this happens. Still the same animal.

Two types of weasels in Massachusetts

We have two types of weasels here in western Massachusetts, the short-tailed weasel (stoat) and the long-tailed weasel. They often spend time under low lying decks, porches, or other low structures, which can eventually lead to their entry points in to the structure. They follow the scent trail of mice inside as they are hunting them. They can be easily identified by their scat, as it is long and twisty.

Weasel Removal

The best way to remove weasels and prevent future issues is to identify the entry points, trap the weasel, and then seal up all entry points. One-way doors can also be successful in evicting weasels, and removed once the animal has had a chance to leave.

Full inspections of the foundation and underneath low lying structures attached to the home are necessary to find where they are getting in. Mouse control can also be helpful when weasels are hanging around, as that is often times why they are even there.

We recommend controlling the rodent population to help keep weasels less interested in the area.