Animal Removal Services for Western Massachusetts

Groundhog removal

Groundhog, aka Woodchucks and Whistle-pigs, Removal

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About Groundhogs

These plump herbivores, known also as woodchucks and whistle-pigs, are active in the daytime. They are seen most often foraging for vegetation in the early morning and late afternoon, before retreating to their burrows.

Groundhogs love Winter naps

They are true hibernators, and will enter a dormant state from approximately mid November to mid March. Due to being vegetarians, they are often seen scavenging through your garden for their favorite leafy treats.

groundhogs are Diggers

They are commonly known to burrow and live underneath sheds, porches, decks, and foundations. Due to their ability to create large and elaborate tunnel structures, they can create drainage issues and cause sheds, decks, and patios to lean or lose strength, resulting in costly repairs.

Simply laying bricks or material on top of the ground to block holes going underneath structures is not effective with these powerful diggers. They have no problem excavating dirt, small rocks, or debris to get underneath material that does not seal below ground level.

We specialize in evicting them from these types of areas, and sealing them with dig-proof materials to keep the area animal free.